Production and prices
Commodity Fish
Carp is a cultured form of sazan. It is omnivorous and grows quickly.
In its third year of life it weights about 2,5 kg. Carp is famous as a long liver: some can live up to 50 years. There are a few kinds of Carp: Scaly Carp, Mirror Carp, Rhombic Carp and Naked Carp.
Carp is a cultured form of sazan. It is omnivorous and grows quickly.
In its third year of life it weights about 2,5 kg. Carp is famous as a long liver: some can live up to 50 years. There are a few kinds of Carp: Scaly Carp, Mirror Carp, Rhombic Carp and Naked Carp.
Carp is a cultured form of sazan. It is omnivorous and grows quickly.
In its third year of life it weights about 2,5 kg. Carp is famous as a long liver: some can live up to 50 years. There are a few kinds of Carp: Scaly Carp, Mirror Carp, Rhombic Carp and Naked Carp.
White Silver Carp
White (ordinary) Silver Carp is a schooling freshwater fish. The sizes of White Silver Carp and Pied Silver Carp are similar. This is a fast-growing fish. In the first year of life it weights about 25-50gr.
In the second – 400-1200gr. In the third – 1400-2500gr. White Silver Carp is a wonderful ameliorator. The value of the White Silver Carp’s meat increases with age of fish.
It becomes fatter and suitable for balyk preparation.
Pied Silver Carp
Pied Silver Carp is a schooling fish, belongs to the carp family, it has the fastest rate of growth. An average annual increase in weight is about 1-3 kg. Large Pied Silver Carp can have a length about 2 meters and weight more than 50 kg. Pied Silver Carp has a high prolificacy. The Pied Silver Carp’s meat is delicate and fat. Suitable for all types of culinary preparation.
White Amur
White Amur is a large fish which has a fast growth rate. In the first year of life it weights about 20-40 gr. In the second – 450-900 gr. In the third – 1, 3-2, 5 kg. White Amur is ideal for pond aquaculture. The breeding of White Amur and Carp heightens efficiency of pisciculture, because these two kinds of fish are not direct competitors in the questions of the extraction of food.
White Amur
White Amur is a large fish which has a fast growth rate. In the first year of life it weights about 20-40 gr. In the second – 450-900 gr. In the third – 1, 3-2, 5 kg. White Amur is ideal for pond aquaculture. The breeding of White Amur and Carp heightens efficiency of pisciculture, because these two kinds of fish are not direct competitors in the questions of the extraction of food.
Russian Sturgeon belongs to the sturgeon family, creates communicating and dwelling forms. Russian Sturgeon can has a length about 1,3-2,5 meters and weights
about 20 – 30 kg. A life-span of this fish is about 50 years. Russian Sturgeon mainly feeds on the ground invertebrates and other fishes. The Russian Sturgeon’s meat is without bones (their function is executed by cartilages), suitable for all types of culinary preparation.
Lenski Sturgeon
Lenski Sturgeon is the variety of Siberian Sturgeon, and got the name from its habitat – the Lena river. Lenski Sturgeon has a dark brown back and a yellow belly. The average weight of this kind of fishes is 16 – 25 kg. Lenski Sturgeon is highly valued for delightful high-nourishing meat, which is very good for preparation of all types of balyk and excellent caviar.
Beluga is a large industrial fish, belongs to the sturgeon family. A length of Beluga does not exceed 6-7 meters. Middle weight of Beluga which is led in the Azov Sea – 70 kg, in the Pridunaj region of the Black Sea – 50-60 kg. The Beluga’s meat has a bit rude taste (compared with other sturgeon’s family meat). However, the best balyks turn out from it. A beluga’s caviar is considered the most high-quality and expensive.
Bester is a unique kind of fishes; it is a hybrid of beluga and starlet. Due to such unique crossing, the Bester is characterized by higher vital functions, intensive growth and can ripen in fresh water as Beluga and can early ripen as Starlet. In aquaculture, the crossed kinds of the first generation for 2 years reach a mass of about 1 kg. Due to high maintenance of fat (about 10%) an excellent balyk turns out from meat of Bester.
Starlet belongs to the sturgeon family. Grown individuals have a length about 40-60 centimeters and weight about 0,5 – 2 kg. Rarely this fish weights more than 6 kg. Starlet is not a communicating fish, but lives and spawns in the same pond. The Starlet’s meat has a special unique taste and aroma, suitable for all types of culinary preparation.
Paddle-fish belongs to the sturgeon family. It is the unique representative, which feeds on a plankton. Characterized by high intensity of growth, it can gain 2-3 kg weight in a year. Paddle-fish can weight about 30 kg in age of 10 and gives about 3 kg caviar. The Paddle-fish’s meat is very delicious, it is similar to the meat of Beluga, and its caviar looks like Sturgeon’s, that allow the attribute of this fish to the most valuable objects of aquaculture.
European Cat-Fish
European Cat-Fish belongs to the cat-fish family and it is the greatest fish among the all freshwater kinds of fishes. Large individuals are about 3 m in length and weight – 200 kg. Middle index for this kind of fishes is - 5-8 kg, rarer – 15 kg. The European Cat-Fish’s meat is white, fat, without little bones, suitable for all types of culinary preparation.
Channel Cat-Fish
Channel Cat-Fish is a perspective kind of fish for farming in the industrial and the pond fishery. It is a big fish and weights about 30 kg and more. It is a heat-loving fish (optimal temperature of water – 25-30°c), but it can live in the pond about 3-4 months under ice.
The Channel Cat-Fish’s meat is not worse than trout’s and sturgeon’s meat, suitable for all types of culinary preparation.
Pike is a unique freshwater fish, belongs to the pike family. Maximal length of males – no more than 1m, females – 1,5m, a mass of a body does not exceed 35 kg. The meat of large and middle Pikes is usually used in the chopped form (cutlets, meat-balls), and also in stuffed form. The meat of small Pikes is fatless, suitable for preparation of dietary dishes.
Pike is a unique freshwater fish, belongs to the pike family. Maximal length of males – no more than 1m, females – 1,5m, a mass of a body does not exceed 35 kg. The meat of large and middle Pikes is usually used in the chopped form (cutlets, meat-balls), and also in stuffed form. The meat of small Pikes is fatless, suitable for preparation of dietary dishes.
Tench belongs to the carp family, and got the name from its ability to change colouring on air. On the first year of the life it weights about 15 gr., on the second – 150-200 gr., on the third – 400 gr. The middle length of Tench is 20-30 sm., maximal – 60 sm. and weights 7,5 kg. The Tench’s meat is delicate, a little bit sweet. You can boil and fry it. A Tench fish soup has healing qualities.
Crucian belongs to the carp family and in general is similar with Carp. The length of Crucian is small – 10-20 cm at middle mass of body - 1,5 kg. Dwells in ponds, you can find it in the underground waters and practically fully overgrown quagmire lakes. The Crucian’s meat has dietary properties, it is white and sappy, contains - 17,7% of albumen and less 2% of fat.
Crucian belongs to the carp family and in general is similar with Carp. The length of Crucian is small – 10-20 cm at middle mass of body - 1,5 kg. Dwells in ponds, you can find it in the underground waters and practically fully overgrown quagmire lakes. The Crucian’s meat has dietary properties, it is white and sappy, contains - 17,7% of albumen and less 2% of fat.
Hinge, kg
Price, UAH/1mln.pieces
Hinge, kg
Price including VAT, UAH/kg
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